Results for 'Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization in General Relativity'

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  1. Robert Hermann.Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization in General Relativity - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow (ed.), Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press.
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  2. Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization in General Relativity and Other Nonlinear Field and Particle Theories.Robert Hermann - 1980 - In A. R. Marlow (ed.), Quantum theory and gravitation. New York: Academic Press. pp. 1--95.
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  3.  86
    Energy and Angular Momentum of Systems in General Relativity.F. I. Cooperstock - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (7):1067-1082.
    Stemming from our energy localization hypothesis that energy in general relativity is localized in the regions of the energy-momentum tensor, we had devised a test with the classic Eddington spinning rod. Consistent with the localization hypothesis, we found that the Tolman energy integral did not change in the course of the motion. This implied that gravitational waves do not carry energy in vacuum, bringing into question the demand for the quantization of gravity. Also if information is conveyed (...)
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  4.  18
    A Fundamental Problem in Quantizing General Relativity.Lorenzo Maccone - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (12):1394-1403.
    We point out a fundamental problem that hinders the quantization of general relativity: quantum mechanics is formulated in terms of systems, typically limited in space but infinitely extended in time, while general relativity is formulated in terms of events, limited both in space and in time. Many of the problems faced while connecting the two theories stem from the difficulty in shoe-horning one formulation into the other. A solution is not presented, but a list of (...)
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  5.  56
    Area in phase space as determiner of transition probability: Bohr-Sommerfeld bands, Wigner ripples, and Fresnel zones. [REVIEW]W. Schleich, H. Walther & J. A. Wheeler - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (10):953-968.
    We consider an oscillator subjected to a sudden change in equilibrium position or in effective spring constant, or both—to a “squeeze” in the language of quantum optics. We analyze the probability of transition from a given initial state to a final state, in its dependence on final-state quantum number. We make use of five sources of insight: Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization via bands in phase space, area of overlap between before-squeeze band and after-squeeze band, interference in phase space, Wigner (...)
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  6. Deriving General Relativity from String Theory.Nick Huggett & Tiziana Vistarini - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1163-1174.
    Weyl symmetry of the classical bosonic string Lagrangian is broken by quantization, with profound consequences described here. Reimposing symmetry requires that the background space-time satisfy the equations of general relativity: general relativity, hence classical space-time as we know it, arises from string theory. We investigate the logical role of Weyl symmetry in this explanation of general relativity: it is not an independent physical postulate but required in quantum string theory, so from a certain (...)
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  7.  36
    The Substantial Role of Weyl Symmetry in Deriving General Relativity from String Theory.John Dougherty - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1149-1160.
    String theory reduces to general relativity in appropriate regimes. Huggett and Vistarini have given an account of this reduction that includes a deflationary thesis about symmetry: although the usual derivation of general relativity from string theory appeals to a premise about the theory’s symmetry, Huggett and Vistarini argue that this premise plays no logical role. In this article I disagree with their deflationary thesis and argue that their analysis is based on a popular but flawed conception (...)
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  8.  32
    Einstein and the History of General Relativity.Don Howard & John Stachel (eds.) - 1989 - Birkhäuser.
    Based upon the proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of General Relativity, held at Boston University's Osgood Hill Conference Center, North Andover, Massachusetts, 8-11 May 1986, this volume brings together essays by twelve prominent historians and philosophers of science and physicists. The topics range from the development of general relativity (John Norton, John Stachel) and its early reception (Carlo Cattani, Michelangelo De Maria, Anne Kox), through attempts to understand the physical implications of the (...)
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  9.  72
    Radial Quantization in Rotating Space–Times.Robert D. Bock - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):977-988.
    We examine the time discontinuity in rotating space–times for which the topology of time is S1. A kinematic restriction is enforced that requires the discontinuity to be an integral number of the periodicity of time. Quantized radii emerge for which the associated tangential velocities are less than the speed of light. Using the de Broglie relationship, we show that quantum theory may determine the periodicity of time. A rotating Kerr–Newman black hole and a rigidly rotating disk of dust are also (...)
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  10.  47
    Elementary particle physics from general relativity.Mendel Sachs - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (3-4):329-354.
    This paper presents a qualitative comparison of opposing views of elementary matter—the Copenhagen approach in quantum mechanics and the theory of general relativity. It discusses in detail some of their main conceptual differences, when each theory is fully exploited as a theory of matter, and it indicates why each of these theories, at its presently accepted state, is incomplete without the other. But it is then argued on logical grounds that they cannot be fused, thus indicating the need (...)
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  11.  30
    Jordan-Fock type uncertainty relations and cut-off lengths in quantum general relativity.Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski & Sisir Roy - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1079-1087.
    It is demonstrated that in quantized general relativity one is led to Jordan-Fock type uncertainty relations implying the occurrence of cut-off lengths. We argue that these lengths (i) represent limitations on the measurability of quantum effects of general relativity and (ii) provide a cut-off length of quantum divergences.
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  12.  2
    Symplectic Quantization I: Dynamics of Quantum Fluctuations in a Relativistic Field Theory.Giacomo Gradenigo & Roberto Livi - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-12.
    We propose here a new symplectic quantization scheme, where quantum fluctuations of a scalar field theory stem from two main assumptions: relativistic invariance and equiprobability of the field configurations with identical value of the action. In this approach the fictitious time of stochastic quantization becomes a genuine additional time variable, with respect to the coordinate time of relativity. Thisintrinsic timeis associated to a symplectic evolution in the action space, which allows one to investigate not only asymptotic, i.e. (...)
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  13.  70
    Quantum theory and Einstein's general relativity.H. -H. V. Borzeszkowski & H. -J. Treder - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (11):1113-1129.
    We discuss the meaning and prove the accordance of general relativity, wave mechanics, and the quantization of Einstein's gravitation equations themselves. Firstly, we have the problem of the influence of gravitational fields on the de Broglie waves, which influence is in accordance with Eeinstein's weak principle of equivalence and the limitation of measurements given by Heisenberg's uncertainty relations. Secondly, the quantization of the gravitational fields is a “quantization of geometry.” However, classical and quantum gravitation have (...)
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  14. Conceptual and Foundational Issues in the Quantization of Gravity.Steven Weinstein - 1998 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    The quantization of gravity represents an important attempt at reconciling the two seemingly incompatible frameworks that lie at the base of modern physics, quantum theory and general relativity. The dissertation begins by looking at the incompatibilities between the two frameworks. The incompatibility with quantum theory, it is argued, is rooted in the profound differences between general relativity and ordinary field theories. The dissertation goes on to look at how, in practice, these incongruities are treated in (...)
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  15.  20
    Einstein Versus Bohr: The Continuing Controversies in Physics.Elie Zahar - 1988 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Einstein Versus Bohr is unlike other books on science written by experts for non-experts, because it presents the history of science in terms of problems, conflicts, contradictions, and arguments. Science normally "keeps a tidy workshop." Professor Sachs breaks with convention by taking us into the theoretical workshop, giving us a problem-oriented account of modern physics, an account that concentrates on underlying concepts and debate. The book contains mathematical explanations, but it is so-designed that the whole argument can be followed (...)
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  16.  60
    Quantization in generalized coordinates.Gary R. Gruber - 1971 - Foundations of Physics 1 (3):227-234.
    The operator form of the generalized canonical momenta in quantum mechanics is derived by a new, instructive method and the uniqueness of the operator form is proven. If one wishes to find the correct representation of the generalized momentum operator, he finds the Hermitian part of the operator —iħ ∂/∂q, whereq q is the generalized coordinate. There are interesting philosophical implications involved in this: It is like saying that a physical structure is composed of two parts, one which is real (...)
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  17. Is prediction possible in general relativity?John Byron Manchak - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (4):317-321.
    Here we briefly review the concept of "prediction" within the context of classical relativity theory. We prove a theorem asserting that one may predict one's own future only in a closed universe. We then question whether prediction is possible at all (even in closed universes). We note that interest in prediction has stemmed from considering the epistemological predicament of the observer. We argue that the definitions of prediction found thus far in the literature do not fully appreciate this predicament. (...)
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  18. Sommerfeld, the quantum, and the problem approach to physics: Suman Seth: Crafting the quantum: Arnold Sommerfeld and the practice of theory, 1890–1926. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2010, viii+378 pp, US $32.00 HB.Helge Kragh - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):87-90.
    In the early phase of the new history of physics that emerged at about 1970 and was pioneered by John Heilbron, Thomas Kuhn, Paul Forman, and others, the quantum and atomic theories of the first three decades of the twentieth century played a central role. Since then, interest in the area has continued, but for the last few decades at a slower rate. While other areas of the new physics—such as the general theory of relativity—have attracted much attention, (...)
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  19.  40
    Geometry and Motion in General Relativity.James Owen Weatherall - unknown
    A classic problem in general relativity, long studied by both physicists and philosophers of physics, concerns whether the geodesic principle may be derived from other principles of the theory, or must be posited independently. In a recent paper [Geroch & Weatherall, "The Motion of Small Bodies in Space-Time", Comm. Math. Phys. ], Bob Geroch and I have introduced a new approach to this problem, based on a notion we call "tracking". In the present paper, I situate the main (...)
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  20.  29
    Energy and Uncertainty in General Relativity.F. I. Cooperstock & M. J. Dupre - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (4):387-394.
    The issue of energy and its potential localizability in general relativity has challenged physicists for more than a century. Many non-invariant measures were proposed over the years but an invariant measure was never found. We discovered the invariant localized energy measure by expanding the domain of investigation from space to spacetime. We note from relativity that the finiteness of the velocity of propagation of interactions necessarily induces indefiniteness in measurements. This is because the elements of actual physical (...)
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  21.  9
    Die Bohr-Sommerfeldsche Atomtheorie: Sommerfelds Erweiterung des Bohrschen Atommodells 1915/16.Arnold Sommerfeld - 2013 - Berlin: Springer Spektrum. Edited by Michael Eckert.
    Am 6. Dezember 1915 und am 8. Januar 1916 legte Arnold Sommerfeld der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zwei Abhandlungen im Umfang von 75 Druckseiten vor, mit denen er das Bohrsche Atommodell aus dem Jahr 1913 zur Bohr-Sommerfeldschen Atomtheorie erweiterte. In Sommerfelds Gesammelten Schriften findet sich nur die im Juli 1916 von Sommerfeld in den Annalen der Physik eingereichte Publikation darüber. "Meine Spektrallinien sind endlich in der Akademie in’s Unreine gedruckt. In den Annalen werden sie in geläuterter Form (...)
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  22.  58
    Expanding theory testing in general relativity: LIGO and parametrized theories.Lydia Patton - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 69:142-53.
    The multiple detections of gravitational waves by LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), operated by Caltech and MIT, have been acclaimed as confirming Einstein's prediction, a century ago, that gravitational waves propagating as ripples in spacetime would be detected. Yunes and Pretorius (2009) investigate whether LIGO's template-based searches encode fundamental assumptions, especially the assumption that the background theory of general relativity is an accurate description of the phenomena detected in the search. They construct the parametrized post-Einsteinian (ppE) framework (...)
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  23.  23
    Symplectic Quantization II: Dynamics of Space–Time Quantum Fluctuations and the Cosmological Constant.Giacomo Gradenigo - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-18.
    The symplectic quantization scheme proposed for matter scalar fields in the companion paper (Gradenigo and Livi, arXiv:2101.02125, 2021) is generalized here to the case of space–time quantum fluctuations. That is, we present a new formalism to frame the quantum gravity problem. Inspired by the stochastic quantization approach to gravity, symplectic quantization considers an explicit dependence of the metric tensor gμν\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$g_{\mu \nu }$$\end{document} on an additional time variable, named intrinsic (...)
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  24. Dependence relations in general relativity.Antonio Vassallo - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (1):1-28.
    The paper discusses from a metaphysical standpoint the nature of the dependence relation underpinning the talk of mutual action between material and spatiotemporal structures in general relativity. It is shown that the standard analyses of dependence in terms of causation or grounding are ill-suited for the general relativistic context. Instead, a non-standard analytical framework in terms of structural equation modeling is exploited, which leads to the conclusion that the kind of dependence encoded in the Einstein field equations (...)
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  25.  35
    Quantized fiber dynamics for extended elementary objects involving gravitation.W. Drechsler - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1041-1077.
    The geometro-stochastic quantization of a gauge theory for extended objects based on the (4, 1)-de Sitter group is used for the description of quantized matter in interaction with gravitation. In this context a Hilbert bundle ℋ over curved space-time B is introduced, possessing the standard fiber ℋ $_{\bar \eta }^{(\rho )} $ , being a resolution kernel Hilbert space (with resolution generator $\tilde \eta $ and generalized coherent state basis) carrying a spin-zero phase space representation of G=SO(4, 1) belonging (...)
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  26. The Role of Time in Relational Quantum Theories.Sean Gryb & Karim Thébault - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (9):1210-1238.
    We propose a solution to the problem of time for systems with a single global Hamiltonian constraint. Our solution stems from the observation that, for these theories, conventional gauge theory methods fail to capture the full classical dynamics of the system and must therefore be deemed inappropriate. We propose a new strategy for consistently quantizing systems with a relational notion of time that does capture the full classical dynamics of the system and allows for evolution parametrized by an equitable internal (...)
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  27.  70
    Three Common Misconceptions in General Relativity.Harvey R. Brown & James Read - unknown
    We highlight and resolve what we take to be three common misconceptions in general relativity, relating to the interpretation of the weak equivalence principle and the relationship between gravity and inertia; the connection between gravitational redshift results and spacetime curvature; and the strong equivalence principle and the local recovery of special relativity in curved, dynamical spacetime.
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  28.  50
    The Delicacy of Counterfactuals in General Relativity.Erik Curiel - unknown
    General relativity poses serious problems for counterfactual propositions peculiar to it as a physical theory, problems that have gone unremarked on in the physics and in the philosophy literature. Because these problems arise from the dynamical nature of spacetime geometry, they are shared by all schools of thought on how counterfactuals should be interpreted and understood. Given the role of counterfactuals in the characterization of, inter alia, many accounts of scientific laws, theory-confirmation and causation, general relativity (...)
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  29.  69
    Spinors and torsion in general relativity.Roger Penrose - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (3):325-339.
    Conformal rescalings of spinors are considered, in which the factor Ω, inε AB ↦Ωε AB, is allowed to be complex. It is argued that such rescalings naturally lead to the presence of torsion in the space-time derivative▽ a. It is further shown that, in standard general relativity, a circularly polarized gravitational wave produces a (nonlocal) rotation effect along rays intersecting it similar to, and apparently consistent with, the local torsion of the Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory. The results of these deliberations (...)
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  30.  25
    Foundations of a Theory of Gravity with a Constraint and Its Canonical Quantization.Alexander P. Sobolev - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-44.
    The gravitational equations were derived in general relativity using the assumption of their covariance relative to arbitrary transformations of coordinates. It has been repeatedly expressed an opinion over the past century that such equality of all coordinate systems may not correspond to reality. Nevertheless, no actual verification of the necessity of this assumption has been made to date. The paper proposes a theory of gravity with a constraint, the degenerate variants of which are general relativity and (...)
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  31. Prediction in General Relativity.C. D. McCoy - 2017 - Synthese 194 (2):491-509.
    Several authors have claimed that prediction is essentially impossible in the general theory of relativity, the case being particularly strong, it is said, when one fully considers the epistemic predicament of the observer. Each of these claims rests on the support of an underdetermination argument and a particular interpretation of the concept of prediction. I argue that these underdetermination arguments fail and depend on an implausible explication of prediction in the theory. The technical results adduced in these arguments (...)
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  32.  48
    Energy localization in general relativity: A new hypothesis. [REVIEW]F. I. Cooperstock - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1011-1024.
    A new hypothesis for energy localization in general relativity is introduced which is based upon the fact that the energy-momentum conservation laws are devoid of content in vacuum. The vanishing of pseudotensor components forms the basis of coordinate conditions consistent with the above. The implication is that energy is localized where the energy-momentum tensor is nonvanishing. As a consequence, gravitational waves are not carriers of energy in vacuum. A detailed analysis of a Feynman detector interacting with a plane (...)
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  33. The Time in Thermal Time.Eugene Y. S. Chua - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie.
    Preparing general relativity for quantization in the Hamiltonian approach leads to the `problem of time,' rendering the world fundamentally timeless. One proposed solution is the `thermal time hypothesis,' which defines time in terms of states representing systems in thermal equilibrium. On this view, time is supposed to emerge thermodynamically even in a fundamentally timeless context. Here, I develop the worry that the thermal time hypothesis requires dynamics -- and hence time -- to get off the ground, thereby (...)
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  34.  33
    Classical elementary particles in general relativity.Mark Israelit & Nathan Rosen - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (10):1237-1247.
    Elementary particles, regarded as the constituents of quarks and leptons, are described classically in the framework of the general relativity theory. There are neutral particles and particles having charges±1/3e. They are taken to be spherically symmetric and to have mass density, pressure, and (if charged) charge density. They are characterized by an equation of state P=−ρ suggested by earlier work on cosmology. The neutral particle has a very simple structure. In the case of the charged particle there is (...)
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  35.  19
    Equivalent Theories Redefine Hamiltonian Observables to Exhibit Change in General Relativity.J. Brian Pitts - unknown
    Change and local spatial variation are missing in canonical General Relativity's observables as usually defined, an aspect of the problem of time. Definitions can be tested using equivalent formulations of a theory, non-gauge and gauge, because they must have equivalent observables and everything is observable in the non-gauge formulation. Taking an observable from the non-gauge formulation and finding the equivalent in the gauge formulation, one requires that the equivalent be an observable, thus constraining definitions. For massive photons, the (...)
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  36.  79
    Microscopic Relativity: The Basic Theory. [REVIEW]Richard Lieu - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (8):1233-1250.
    In effort to investigate how quantum physics might modify Einstein's Theory of Relativity at speeds v→c, the relationship between space-time coordinates of different reference frames is revisited by introducing only one new parameter xo, a fundamental constant for the quantization of space. The starting point is three criteria: (a) real space-time data are conditioned by standard quantum effects on measurements; (b) since currently used apparatus are only capable of probing the aggregate behavior of these quanta the relevant model (...)
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  37.  42
    Equivalent Theories and Changing Hamiltonian Observables in General Relativity.J. Brian Pitts - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (5):579-590.
    Change and local spatial variation are missing in Hamiltonian general relativity according to the most common definition of observables as having 0 Poisson bracket with all first-class constraints. But other definitions of observables have been proposed. In pursuit of Hamiltonian–Lagrangian equivalence, Pons, Salisbury and Sundermeyer use the Anderson–Bergmann–Castellani gauge generator G, a tuned sum of first-class constraints. Kuchař waived the 0 Poisson bracket condition for the Hamiltonian constraint to achieve changing observables. A systematic combination of the two reforms (...)
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  38. A remark about the "geodesic principle" in general relativity.David Malament - unknown
    It is often claimed that the geodesic principle can be recovered as a theorem in general relativity. Indeed, it is claimed that it is a consequence of Einstein's equation (or of the conservation principle that is, itself, a consequence of that equation). These claims are certainly correct, but it may be worth drawing attention to one small qualification. Though the geodesic principle can be recovered as theorem in general relativity, it is not a consequence of Einstein's (...)
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  39.  92
    The Maximum Tension Principle in General Relativity.G. W. Gibbons - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (12):1891-1901.
    I suggest that classical General Relativity in four spacetime dimensions incorporates a Principal of Maximal Tension and give arguments to show that the value of the maximal tension is $\frac{{c^4 }}{{4G}}$ . The relation of this principle to other, possibly deeper, maximal principles is discussed, in particular the relation to the tension in string theory. In that case it leads to a purely classical relation between G and the classical string coupling constant α′ and the velocity of light (...)
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  40.  55
    On Metric and Matter in Unconnected, Connected, and Metrically Connected Manifolds.Horst-Heino von Borzeszkowski & Hans-Jürgen Treder - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (10):1541-1572.
    From Einstein's point of view, his General Relativity Theory had strengths as well as failings. For him, its shortcoming mainly was that it did not unify gravitation and electromagnetism and did not provide solutions to field equations which can be interpreted as particle models with discrete mass and charge spectra, As a consequence, General Relativity did not solve the quantum problem, either. Einstein tried to get rid of the shortcomings without losing the achievements of General (...)
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  41. Black holes in general relativity.Abhay Ashtekar - 2015 - In James Ladyman, Stuart Presnell, Gordon McCabe, Michał Eckstein & Sebastian J. Szybka (eds.), Road to reality with Roger Penrose. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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  42.  19
    Static electromagnetic fields in general relativity.B. K. Datta - 1971 - In Charles Goethe Kuper & Asher Peres (eds.), Relativity and gravitation. New York,: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. pp. 1--111.
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  43. A partial elucidation of the gauge principle.Alexandre Guay - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):346-363.
    The elucidation of the gauge principle ‘‘is the most pressing problem in current philosophy of physics’’ said Michael Redhead in 2003. This paper argues for two points that contribute to this elucidation in the context of Yang–Mills theories. (1) Yang–Mills theories, including quantum electrodynamics, form a class. They should be interpreted together. To focus on electrodynamics is potentially misleading. (2) The essential role of gauge and BRST symmetries is to provide a local field theory that can be quantized and would (...)
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  44.  85
    On the status of the "geodesic law" in general relativity.David Malament - unknown
    Harvey Brown believes it is crucially important that the "geodesic principle" in general relativity is an immediate consequence of Einstein's equation and, for this reason, has a different status within the theory than other basic principles regarding, for example, the behavior of light rays and clocks, and the speed with which energy can propagate. He takes the geodesic principle to be an essential element of general relativity itself, while the latter are better seen as contingent facts (...)
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  45. Change without change, and how to observe it in general relativity.Richard Healey - 2004 - Synthese 141 (3):381 - 415.
    All change involves temporal variation of properties. There is change in the physical world only if genuine physical magnitudes take on different values at different times. I defend the possibility of change in a general relativistic world against two skeptical arguments recently presented by John Earman. Each argument imposes severe restrictions on what may count as a genuine physical magnitude in general relativity. These restrictions seem justified only as long as one ignores the fact that genuine change (...)
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  46.  74
    Extended Scale Relativity, p-Loop Harmonic Oscillator, and Logarithmic Corrections to the Black Hole Entropy.Carlos Castro & Alex Granik - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (3):445-466.
    An extended scale relativity theory, actively developed by one of the authors, incorporates Nottale's scale relativity principle where the Planck scale is the minimum impassible invariant scale in Nature, and the use of polyvector-valued coordinates in C-spaces (Clifford manifolds) where all lengths, areas, volumes⋅ are treated on equal footing. We study the generalization of the ordinary point-particle quantum mechanical oscillator to the p-loop (a closed p-brane) case in C-spaces. Its solution exhibits some novel features: an emergence of two (...)
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  47. Jump conditions at discontinuities in general relativity.Stephen OʹBrien - 1952 - Dublin,: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Edited by J. L. Synge.
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  48. The principle of general tovariance.Chris Heunen, Klaas Landsman & Bas Spitters - unknown
    We tentatively propose two guiding principles for the construction of theories of physics, which should be satisfied by a possible future theory of quantum gravity. These principles are inspired by those that led Einstein to his theory of general relativity, viz. his principle of general covariance and his equivalence principle, as well as by the two mysterious dogmas of Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics, i.e. his doctrine of classical concepts and his principle of complementarity. An appropriate (...)
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  49.  40
    Is the light velocity in vacuum really a constant? Possible breakdown of the linear ω-k relation at extremely high frequencies.Kunio Fujiwara - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (3-4):309-331.
    We investigate the novel problem of what happens in special relativity and in relativistic field theories whenthree-dimensional space is quantized. First we examine the equation for elastic waves on a linear chain, the simplest example of a quantized medium, and propose, on its analogy, a nonlinearp-k relationp=ħk(sinhkl)/kl for light and material waves. Here,kl is a new variable which represents the space-quantization effect on the plane wave of wave numberk=|k|. (Note thatkl=0 givesp=ħk.) This relation makes the light velocity in (...)
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  50.  51
    Interpreting Non-Hausdorff (Generalized) Manifolds in General Relativity.Joanna Luc & Tomasz Placek - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (1):21-42.
    The article investigates the relations between Hausdorff and non-Hausdorff manifolds as objects of general relativity. We show that every non-Hausdorff manifold can be seen as a result of gluing together some Hausdorff manifolds. In the light of this result, we investigate a modal interpretation of a non-Hausdorff differential manifold, according to which it represents a bundle of alternative space-times, all of which are compatible with a given initial data set.
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